Here are some common questions and answers that we see with Empower by GoDaddy. As always if you have program-specific questions that your local partner contact is unable to address, feel free to email us at [email protected]. Please include your name, local partner organization (ECDI), your GoDaddy customer account number (if applicable), your domain name (if applicable), and a small description of the issue in the email.   


Kind Regards,   
Ebony and Emily   

Empower by GoDaddy team 

What if I already have an existing website and/or domain name? 

Email us using the button below! Please include:

1. Partner name = ECDI

2. Specifics about your situation - the more info the better

a. domain/site with 3rd party or domain/site with GoDaddy and any relevant info

3. If you have an existing GoDaddy customer account please provide this - how to find your customer account number

4. Your Empower redemption code (starts with EMP)

I need additional help with the GoDaddy website builder – Websites + Marketing

I’ve built content on a “FREE” GoDaddy website builder or I see multiple website builders in my customer account

1. You will need to move the relevant content to the Empower redeemed builder that will have an expiration date 2 years from date of redemption.

a. You can validate this builder on your “My Renewals page” and finding the one with an expiration date 2 years out - make note of the name/title of the builder

2. Remove any other builders that do not have an expiration date in the future by 2 years by following the steps “Delete a product from my account”

a. be sure any content you want has been captured/moved to the builder you had redeemed and are keeping

3. Change the name on the Empower redeemed builder using these steps – change my website domain

4. Still need help or want hands-on support with the above steps? Chat Now or call our product & tech support at 480.366.3550

- Both available 24/7/365